Syngaschem Prominently Present at three Beijing Conferences in July
On July 3-8, 2016, the International Conference on Catalysis, ICC-2016, was held in Beijing. Kees-Jan Weststrate presented his recent work on the mechanism of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis for a large audience of at least 350. The Fischer-Tropsch sessions, which extended over 1.5 day, were one of the highlights of this conference, with all the major international research groups in this area appearing in the program. The ICC-2016 was held in the Chinese National Conference Center at the Oympic Grounds of Beijing, and was attended by 2500 participants. The event was perfectly organized under the direction of Professor Can Li of Dalian, and greatly enjoyed by participants from all over the world.
The week before, on July 1, during a one-day SynCat Symposium at SynCat@Beijing, Kees-Jan presented a longer version of this talk, along with contributions by Fabio Ribeiro (Purdue, USA), Michael Claeys (UCT – c*change), Mike Bowker (Cardiff), Armando Borgna (ICES Singapore), Jose Gracia (SynCat@Beijing), and Xiaodong Wen and Yong-Wang Li of Synfuels China.
Left: A Lab tour through SynCat@Beijing. Dr Xin Yu explains her surface science setup to Drs Jian Xu, Michael Claeys, Hans Niemantsverdriet, Fabio Ribeiro, Kees-Jan Weststrate and Armando Borgna. Right: Fabio Ribeiro (Purdue University) and Kees-Jan Weststrate (Syngaschem) preparing for the conference.
On July 10 and 11, the Institute of Coal Chemistry and Synfuels China together organized a post conference on Syngas and Methanol Conversion, in Beijing/ Huairou. Here, Hans Niemantsverdriet presented a plenary lecture in a program, which featured Bert Weckhuysen from Utrecht, Aditya Bhan (Minnesota, USA), Dragomir Bukur (Texas A&M Qatar), Unni Olsbye (Oslo) and Michael Claeys (Capetown) as the other plenary speakers. This rather focused conference had about 150 participants, with about 25 coming from overseas. The meeting was conducted at the new Yanqi Lake Campus of the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing Huairou.
Left: Hans Niemantsverdriet in his plenary lecture at the post conference on Syngas and Methanol Conversion 2016 in the Conference Hall of the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Right: Scientists on on tour. Armando Borgna, Mike Bowker, Michael Claeys, Fabio Ribeiro, Kees-Jan Weststrate and Hans Niemantsverdriet visit the Hong Luo Temple in the hills near Huairou.
Published on: July 13, 2016