Successful and convincing PhD defence by Dr. Yibin Bu
On June 6, 2017, Yibin Bu defended her PhD thesis “In situ UV-vis and mass spectrometry in the study of Cu model catalyst in CO-related heterogenous catalysis” at Eindhoven University of Technology.
Her promotors, Prof Hans Niemantsverdriet from Syngaschem BV and Prof Ton Backx from the department of Electrical Engineering, as well as her co-promotor, dr Hans Fredriksson, Research Scientist at Syngaschem BV, were very pleased with the outcome of her work: It established UV-vis spectroscopy as a tool to directly connect changes in the metal oxidation state of copper with its catalytic performance through a carefully designed in-situ microreactor system, and it obtained insights into the role of oxidic promotors in CO related catalytic reactions over copper. [1, 2]
Dr Yibin Bu will soon return to China. Syngaschem BV wishes her all the best for her future life and career.
Dr Yibin Bu with her promotors (left to right): Prof Hans Niemantsverdriet, dr Hans Fredriksson, and Prof Ton Backx
[1] Yibin Bu, J. W. Hans Niemantsverdriet, and Hans O. A. Fredriksson, ACS Catal. 6 (2016) 2867-2876
Dr Bu’s thesis will be made available as pdf-download.
Published on: June 29, 2017